We desire to train children to fully participate as members in the body of Christ through worship, prayer, and the scriptures. To this end we have designed our Children's Worship program to help lead our children into a greater understanding of what it means to worship as part of the body here at Trinity.

This program is offered for children ages 5–6 and takes place during the sermon portion of the worship service.

Our three-year curriculum walks children through:

Year One: the Order of Worship. Children learn how worship is a conversation with God. We encourage parents to use the Parent's Guide to Children's Worship (see below).

Year Two: the Church Year. Children learn how the seasons of the church point us to the life of Christ.

Year Three: Trinity's Spiritual Practices. Children learn how the spiritual practices we have here at Trinity are means of grace to help us stay connected to Jesus. We encourage parents to use the Parent's Guide to Spiritual Practices (see below).

We want to engage the whole child—mind, heart, and body—so our curriculum includes three foundational elements: narration, formation, and creativity. As a part of our curriculum, our children work to create large-scale pieces of artwork that demonstrate what they've learned. This art is displayed in our church and provides an important way for our children to see themselves as contributing members of this body.

Learn more about our view on children in worship

Ages 5–6
during the sermon

Serve once a month as a helper or teacher
Email Amy Piedra to sign up

Resources we offer to help you lead your children 

pdf Parent's Guide to Children's Worship
pdf Parent's Guide to Spiritual Practices