Due to the pandemic, the Chinese Sunday School class is meeting via Zoom at this time.

Room 251
All Mandarin speakers welcome. We sing hymns and discuss Sunday's sermon and how to live our daily lives as Christians in Chinese. We also have small group (3–5 people) sharing, discussion, and prayer. We share testimonies and faith in Christ, and we discuss/teach basic Christian doctrines to seekers. We welcome all brothers, sisters, and friends who speak Chinese and are interested in Christianity to join us! For more information email Chengsan Sun.

中文主日学 CSSC)

欢迎所有讲中文的朋友们参加!我们会在一起用中文唱圣歌,讨论主日讲道信息和如何在我们每天的生活中活出基督徒的样式。我们也会有小组(3-5人)分享和祷告。我们也会分享生活见证,在基督里的信心以及与慕道朋友讨论基督基要信仰。衷心欢迎所有讲中文的弟兄,姐妹和朋友们参加。如果您对基督教有兴趣的话,也欢迎您来中文主日学班。您如果想了解更多信息,请与孙成三弟兄联系: sunchengsan@yahoo.com