News for 03.27.20
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Our Life (Still) Together

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the Lord! As Robert reminded us this past Sunday, the Lord is our shepherd who is always with us, whether in green pastures or through dark valleys.

God has not changed, and in its most fundamental sense, our church has not changed. Church has never been about buildings; it has always been the people of God. Our mission is unchanged, and our worship of God is unchanged. How we do these things requires more creativity in this season, but we are not changing our fundamental calling.

I write to remind and update you about several matters.


First, of all, CHURCH IS NOT CANCELED. Now, more than ever, the world needs the church and the good news that has transformed our lives. We as the church are called to love one another and to serve one another.

We have a shepherding team of elders and deacons who are in the process of contacting as many member households as possible these coming weeks. Please let them know how we may pray and care for you.

For some of you, to be the church right now means to ASK for help. Our culture values self-sufficiency and independence. By letting us know how we can carry your burden, you enable us to obey God (Galatians 6:2). Please fill out this Google Form. Specifically, we have had 71 volunteers say they are willing to deliver groceries, but only two requests for shopping! Also, if you still want to offer help, please do so, using the same link above.


Second, WORSHIP IS NOT CANCELED. Each week we are seeking to do better than the previous Sunday. Thank you for your patience with us. These are complicated times. If you would like to read more about the Biblical reasons why we have canceled our in-person worship services, please see my Christianity Today article.

This week's video worship service will be available starting at 8:30am this Sunday (3/29). This is not a "livestream" service. You are free to listen to the service whenever it works for you, and you will not miss anything by watching it later. ASL interpretation will be included in the video. You will also receive an order of worship, children's bulletins, online giving options, and discussion questions. You will be able to access the service from the homepage of our website, and you'll receive an email at that time with the information.

The great news is that it has never been easier to invite others to church! Around the nation, I have been hearing stories of people giving their lives to Christ. People who would never darken the door of a church have now been confronted with their mortality and are more open to clicking on a link recommended by a friend or family member. Our services are an outreach opportunity! We encourage you to use social media or email to invite your friends to come to church with you.


Our church offices will now be closed. We will still have someone answering the phones at 434.977.3700 on Monday through Friday from 9:00am–5:00pm. If you need to reach an elder outside of those hours for an emergency, please call 434.260.0001.

Finally, as the nation closes down non-essential businesses, the church must rise up to its essential work of prayer. Nobody is exempted from this work: "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people" (Ephesians 6:18). Let us continue to pray for each other and our world.

Together in the Lord,
