News for 08.06.18
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August 2018

A MONTHLY LOOK AT our life with God,
one another, and our neighbors


introducing catechesis of the good shepherd: What our three-year-olds are doing this fall

BY elizabeth o'donnell, director of children's ministry

Imagine walking into a room that is clearly set up for children. There are child-sized tables and chairs, the artwork is hung at the child’s level, rugs on the floor make it comfortable, and low bookshelves keep materials visible and accessible. The space is welcoming: everything is orderly and beautiful. Now let’s step closer to see what’s on the shelves. A highly textured map of Israel invites touching. Various trays hold small houses, each with a set of figures and a booklet that tells a story. A small set of furniture reminds one of what would be seen in the sanctuary: a table, a podium, a small banner marking the color of the season.

This space is designed with great care to invite the smallest child to explore and experience Christ, His church, and His word.

At least two things are important to consider when we think about the young child and spiritual formation. One, what is the nature of God and His relationship to children? Two, what is the nature of the child and how they learn?

To briefly address the first question: God is one who knits children together in the womb and knows them intimately, He welcomes little children into His Kingdom, and Christ says that to welcome a child is to welcome Him.

And the second question: we know that the smallest child learns through their hands and through movement. This is why toddlers want to touch everything. And babies put everything into their mouths because they have the most sensory nerves there and can use them to explore their world.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a formation method that seeks to hold both of these questions in hand. Catechesis has been described as the meeting of two mysteries—the mystery of God and the mystery of the child. The space I have described above is a room set up for Catechesis, a place where even a three-year-old child can encounter God and His word.

An adult will read from the Bible a story of Christ’s life or a parable to the child. The adult will then present the material—a set of figures or other material that relates to the story. The adult will slowly move the pieces while pausing in reading the story a second time. Then the child is free to use the materials and to tell the story to herself over and over again.

This fall we will begin Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for our three-year-old Sunday School class from 10–11am in rooms 209-210. We invite anyone to come observe. Each year we hope to add a new group of three-year-olds, meaning that we will gradually increase the age range. We look forward to seeing how this method of formation will spill over into all of our church body and help us remember Christ’s words: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3

Financial Update TT 2017


BY deacon Stu scott, Chairman, finance committee

The contributions to the 2018 General Budget July YTD are $1,278,696, which is 8.8% ahead of the July 2017 YTD actual. Thank you to all the congregation for this continued strong support.

Session Summary

session summary: july

BY elder bill cassidy, clerk of session

Our July meeting had a regular mix of administrative items, the highlight of which was electing Elders Bill Porter and Steve Ruddell commissioners to the August 11 Blue Ridge Presbytery meeting. These meetings are a crucial part of PCA polity, keeping us connected to our sister churches in the Blue Ridge. Please thank Bill, Steve, and our pastors for their willingness to give up a Saturday for this important work.

Elizabeth O'Donnell presented on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Please see the article above for information about it.

We began an important discussion of how the elders might best structure and organize for both effective governance and better shepherding. Helpful ideas were floated, and our next step is to evaluate the best ones at our meeting August 9. Please come (room 201, 7pm) if you'd like to listen. And please pray for this time.

We asked the Spiritual Formation Team to recommend several women to team up with elders for interviewing potential new members. More on this later.

Because we are growing and our building is aging, we are confronting some big questions about how to accommodate these converging realities. Please pray with us for the Lord's wisdom and direction about our future together.

Have a question about our Session? Email

Calendar new TT

Sunday, Aug 12, 6pm

"Better Together" Worship Service, Cville Pavilion (email for updates and important information)

Saturday, Aug 25

UVa Students move in. Welcome them!

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