News for 08.07.20
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miniature furnitureIn the midst of this difficult season, it's been so encouraging to see God at work! During the quarantine, Deacon Emeritus Gene Potter has been lovingly crafting sets of children's copies of our baptismal table, lectern, and communion table. As part of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, we spend time learning about different parts of our church life together including baptism, communion, and preaching. In order to create a more hands-on experience, Catechesis encourages us to use very small replicas of the different pieces of furniture so the children can actually see and become familiar with them close up. Gene has made the most amazing small replicas that I could imagine—they are nearly exact copies. I so look forward to our children being able to gather and use these!  But for now, I wanted to share the joy with all of you!  —Elizabeth O'Donnell, Director of Children's Ministry


Worship This Sunday @ 8:30 or 11:15
Our worship services will premiere at 8:30 and 11:15 AM. You will be able to access the services from our website and you'll receive an email at 8:00 AM. You can download the children's packet here.

Officer Nominations Requested
The Officer Development Ministry Team will receive nominations on behalf of the Session through Sept 15. Go to this page for the nomination form and a brief guide to the process by which our officers are identified and trained.

ChurchCenter AppPlease Update Your Profile by August 18
We are asking everyone to check and update their information and photo using the ChurchCenter app. It's easy with these instructions (PDF). Don't have a smartphone? Email any updates (new address, email, or phone and your photo) to Yolanda Monett.

Job Opening @ Trinity
Office Manager (PT): Please go to our Jobs page to download the job description. Send cover letter and resume to

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Beware of Scammers via Email
Your pastors, deacons, elders, and church staff will NEVER send emails asking you to help with cash, gift cards, or bank/credit card information. If you receive an email asking for a response to an urgent need, it is a scam. Note that staff emails should always come from "name" followed by "" If an email seems suspicious, please call the church at 434-977-3700. We will be happy to help you.

Know Someone Expecting a Baby?
The Expectant Parent Ministry serves families in our community who are expecting a child by birth or adoption by providing meals once the baby has arrived. Expectant parents are matched with a coordinator who will pray for and support them as they await their child and organize meals for the family after the child's arrival. We are continuing to serve new parents during COVID-19, but ask anyone bringing a meal to do contactless drop-off or order food for delivery. If you are expecting a baby and would like to receive meals, you can sign up here or email

New City Counseling: Story Group Begins in September
As human beings, each of us is made in the image of a God who both created a "storied" world and entered into it to redeem it. And each one of us, in turn, has a story. But our stories are never shaped or told in isolation. In the context of a global pandemic and recent light shown upon racial injustice, both of which have deep and rippling effects, New City Counseling is offering a group experience to process these events. We will pay particular attention to how each of our individual stories would cause us to act and react in unique ways to these situations. The group, co-led by Tim Jones and Ellen Foster, will meet Wednesdays from 5–6:30PM for 10 weeks from Sept 9–Nov 11. Cost of the group is $50 to cover materials. Space is very limited, so please register with Ellen Foster.

GriefShare Group Begins in September
Grieving the loss of a loved one? Join our GriefShare Group led by Bob and Lauren Byrne. The group will meet online on Monday evenings, beginning Sept 14. For more information and to sign up, contact Tim Jones.


Book Study: Racism and the Church—Listening with Humility
Join us to discuss Jemar Tisby's book The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism. We will read and discuss how this text addresses race, racism, and reconciliation; we will bring the gospel to bear on how this text affects our lives as people who love and follow Jesus. Tuesdays, 8PM, July 28–Aug 18 (4 classes). Limited to 12 attendees. Register here.

Loving Your Neighbor: A Christian View on Race and Racism in Charlottesville
The study is now closed, but if you would like to view the documentary, click here.


Community Christian Academy is seeking a 1st/2nd grade teacher for the 2020–21 school year. Candidates should be active followers of Christ who love children and possess a degree in elementary education and a teaching credential. Contact Dr. Kimberly Moore, Executive Director (434-326-1145 or

Christian Aid Mission is seeking to fill two full-time positions with their International Ministry Team: Administrative Assistant to the Area Director for Africa and Administrative Assistant to the Area Director for South Asia. Job descriptions and application information.