News for 11.25.20
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Our worship service will be available starting at 7:00 AM this Sunday on our YouTube channel. You will be able to access the service from the home page of our website, and you'll receive an email at 7:00 AM with the unique link for the service. Please make sue you have an Advent Wreath to use during our services this season. You can make your own or order one online. The order of worship will be available on Sunday in the worship service email. Make sure you download it to fully participate in the service. You can download the children's packet for this Sunday here.

There is no doubt that this year has brought uncertainty and chaos to most of our lives. We have been tested in unique ways by a global pandemic, civil unrest, and an election. As we enter into Advent, the season we celebrate Emmanuel, God WITH us, New City Counseling (NCC) invites you to a virtual conversation hosted by several NCC counselors. We will wrestle with how to navigate all the uncertainty. Drawing from our own lives, we hope to name some of the losses we have experienced collectively, how those have impacted us, as well as ways to interact and engage with ourselves, each other, and God during this time. Please join us Monday December 14 from 7:30–9 PM. Click here to register for this free event.

Opportunities to support Charles & Sarah Kaye and their ministry in Nicaragua
1. Christmas/Graduation Toy Drive: Many of you have participated in the annual toy drive for Granada Christian Education Center (GCEC) over the years. This year’s drive will look different this year due to COVID. Instead of you purchasing a toy for a child, GCEC is collecting funds to send to Nicaragua in order to purchase toys there to present to GCEC's graduating kindergarten students. This arrangement helps Nicaraguan small business owners, who are struggling to stay in business due to the virus. You can still select a child and provide a card with a verse or message from your family. Please scan any cards or drawings and email them to Sarah Field, who will share your verses and messages with GCEC so that they can print them out in Nicaragua. To participate in this wonderful outreach and blessing, please sign up here.
2. Sponsor a GCEC Student: Additionally, we invite you to consider sponsoring a student. By giving sacrificially, praying, and exchanging letters and photos, your children can learn the blessings of caring for others and experience life in a very different culture through a relationship with their Nicaraguan friend. Click here for more information and to become a student scholarship partner. The cost is $36 a month, and the school is hoping to provide these scholarships for the entire 175 children expected in the 2021 school year, beginning in early February. There is a lovely short video that you can share with your children on the sponsorship page in the link above.


"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink" (Matthew 25:35). This is the guiding principle behind the efforts of Pastor William Ward of Bethel Church on Dice Street. Each Saturday, 1200 boxes of fresh USDA food are given to those who need it. This large-scale distribution is expected to last many months as families continue to be affected by work slowdowns and shutdowns. Trinity's Mercy Ministry is coming alongside Bethel and other churches to address food insecurity. Volunteers are needed Saturdays, 9:30–12:00. All volunteers will have temperatures checked, wear masks, and practice social distancing as they load boxes into vehicles. We want to provide up to 10 volunteers twice a month. Volunteers must be able to lift/load 35 lb. boxes. SIGN UP HERE. Questions? Contact Joe Magri or Alex Piedra.

We have had many requests for diapers and wipes. If you're interested in contributing, please let us know. Donations are due December 2. Thank you for loving children in our community!

Thank you for your generous offerings to Trinity. Each gift is a demonstration of thanks to God for the blessing of our Savior Jesus in the midst of much uncertainty. Trinity's Finance Committee has set a target of $2,858,000 for undesignated gifts by the end of 2020. Year-to-date giving totals $2,061,512 which is behind our year-to-date goal by $148K. Please give generously before year end to fill the $796,500 gap to meet our budget. Our faith has been tested much this year. And yet we have much for which we can be thankful. You can find more information on giving to Trinity here.

Office Coordinator (PT). To apply, send resume and cover letter to by November 30. Job description.
Administrative Assistant (PT), New City Counseling. To apply, send resume and cover letter to Tim Jones. Job description.